3rd Sector Social Enterprise Award

Some very happy news! Last night we won the Enterprise award at the Third Sector Charity Awards evenings. Picture above Madeleine and Susana.

We won due the transformation of the Brazelton Centre UK, from a small micro charity (circa £50k annual income), into an organisation that sells recommended training courses to NHS health and social care staff, which has seen our charity’s income expand by £1 million in the past three years.

Ours is an example of the power of campaigning, lobbying and selling by a small, micro charity that managed to influence public policy. We gained the political will to address perinatal mental health problems, which opened up an entire new market for our commercial training services to Health Visitors in numerous large NHS Health organisations.

We spend far less effort on traditional fundraising as a result. Because we now have commercial trading, our charity has the freedom to focus more directly on our mission. We can launch programmes and pilot projects we previously could not afford because we could not get them externally funded. For example, we are now able to provide antenatal services to teen mums-to-be.

Very many congratulations to our fellow finalists, Revolving Doors charity.