Bump Start

We are delighted to announce that we have launched a series of free workshops.

After many years of delivering high quality training to health professionals to support them in their work with parents and newborns, we have now also begun to provide expectant parents with help to bump start their relationship with their new babies.

Right from the moment they are born, long before they can speak, infants are telling us what they want and how they feel. Each baby is unique and has their own strengths and vulnerabilities. Understanding how to recognise what they are communicating can give parents the confidence to support their baby’s development and to enjoy the experience of new parenthood.

Based on the techniques of paediatrician Dr Brazelton, which you can read about here, and run by a trained facilitator, these workshops will explore ways to help new parents to recognise and respond to their baby’s behaviours.

The practical, hour and a half long sessions will take place in the Cambridge area and will be open to all parents to be who are interested in finding out about the communication of babies in the first three months of life.

For more information ring our office on : 01223 314429 or email : cathy@brazelton.co.uk